Nongnooch Garden and the Government of Thailand: A Collaborative Effort in Plant Conservation

Nongnooch Garden and the Government of Thailand: A Collaborative Effort in Plant Conservation

Nongnooch Garden and the Government of Thailand: A Collaborative Effort in Plant Conservation

Nestled at the base of Khao Bandai Krit, Nongnooch Garden Pattaya has received the green light from the Government of Thailand to transform 43 rai of land into a stunning arboretum, officially endorsed by the Royal Forest Department. This remarkable initiative is dedicated to the conservation and cultivation of rare and valuable tree species from across the globe, aiming to instill a sense of environmental stewardship in the younger generation.

The project has already attracted many distinguished guests who have come to plant trees, further enriching its importance and community spirit. Additionally, Nongnooch Garden is ambitiously developing this site into a leading botanical learning center for Thailand, showcasing a commendable partnership for the benefit of society.

What’s truly impressive is that Nongnooch Garden Pattaya is fully financing the project, taking on all expenses related to tree acquisition, planting, and ongoing care. This endeavor underscores their unwavering commitment to environmental education and conservation efforts.

Preserving our plant life is crucial not only for sustaining our ecosystem but also for nurturing the awareness of young minds about the beauty and importance of nature. By engaging them in conservation activities, we empower the next generation to take an active role in safeguarding our planet for the future.


